Wednesday 9 September 2009

Farewell Do

So went to the party... and it was GREAT. Nearly the whole gang was there, more people than we can usually rope into coming to one of our parties! Couldn't get 15 Strongbow for a fiver though like the tesco ads said so that was dissapointing, but 4 litres did me just fine. Didn't even get to drink my Mickey Finns! Even got my social skills going :P
Also ate like a tonne. Ice cream, doritos, cadburys heroes, haribo, sherberts, gravy chip and microwave pizza... I couldn't stop eating. I'm pretty sure the pains in my stomach right now have nothing to do with a hangover, it's soley due to excessive food consumption.
Also, I didn't throw up all over his house which is never a bad thing. Did come back home with someone elses keys though... And I might've broken his oven...
Awwwwwwwwww well.

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